Posted by Activation Team on March 13, 2018


These downloadable resources will help you understand and explain who, what, where, and when
Targeted TV will work for your brand or industry. Just click on each image for link.


   Reach Your Consumers With Targeted TV 


                BOOKLET: HOW TO USE TARGETED TV                                      TV & VIDEO OPTIONS FUNNEL

booklet for resource list size.png 

TV opportunity funnel for resources.png


10 page booklet provides an easy way to understand a TV advertising solution based on targeted audiences, location, programming, and cost.

  • A checklist to quickly answer; when is Targeted TV right?
  • Easy to read and understand maps  
  • Use Case that covers driving customers to a location
  • List of benefits: investments in Advanced TV can demonstrate value



This infograph shows
how the TV marketplace stacks up.

  • Each level represents the points where ads can be inserted

  • The bottom portion of the funnel includes significant Linear TV options–that fall into the Advanced TV category.
  • Advertisers need to know the advantages and limits of each 
  • how they can be combined for a full view of the whole video stack.




                    COMPARISON OF ATV OFFERINGS                                RE-TARGETING ABILITY OF DATA-DRIVEN TV

 Side By Side ATV advantages.jpg  Slide 16.png

Side-by-side comparison of the major components
of Addressable TV offerings

  • Need  the ability to measure results against your goals?
  • What service is non-skippable and measureable?
  • Where can brand data can be applied to the inventory,
    which yields some eye-popping, Targeted CPMs and ROI?


This virtuous circle of data
illustrates the re-targeting ability of TV.

  • Using the same digital audience segments, impact is reinforced by
    sales data tracking which can gauge the impact of media performance.
  • By Leading with data and having it reinforce each step of the way,
    it completes the ROI measurement and supports ongoing decisions.







How TV and Digital can work together.

  • Reach your consumers throughout their customer journey. Use your customer data to power your TV media spend.

  • Choose from millions of high quality impressions & gain access to 3,000+ cable systems, Telcos, DBS and VOD systems.

Bringing together all of the pieces.

  • Across all industries combined Location based marketing with audience targeting. 

  • Explore eight Targeted TV industry case studies. 




Topics: TargetedTV, Technology, Media Planning, GEO Targeting, TV Impressions, CRM Data can drive TV planning, Media Planners, AdvancedTV, increase ROI, Retail Marketing, shoppers, data, data insights, advertising, marketing, media consultant, CMO, Audience Buying, Biz Dev

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Rich Kaufman
