There are a zillion shiny "new" ad tech tools, seemingly daily. But how do you figure out how all this tech drives better performance for you/your TV ad campaign—when in reality, it isn't? Or, at least, it isn't in any way that's obvious and easily explained to your clients.
But first things first. We see you.
Next: Consider the questions below. These are some of the pain points our clients and others in our cohort talk to us about regularly. We ask the questions even though we know the answers--because you've told us. Honestly, with all these daily "breakthroughs," how do you even begin to understand the benefit nuances every option offers (another question!)? We know you have to wrestle this daily, and that it's, well, a lot. And getting more intense daily.
We invite you to consider a partner that ensures you get performance from every TV campaign, regardless of channel, with the least amount of pain and software engineering skill allowable by the gods of media. Like Centriply. We'll be your partner in delivering on every performance expectation, new or old, coming your way.
We have the data, ad tech, expert planners, and performance TV expertise to get you out of any doom loop you may be stuck in or headed for. You use your expertise planning and evaluating--not fighting tech to deliver on every-increasing expectations.
We'll help get all the details right--like the right CTV/linear TV/OTT balance vs campaign goals, audience, location, reach, frequency, dayparts, networks, impressions and every other metric you need to measure success against. No advanced data science or engineering expertise required.
We've been doing TV planning and buying for decades, and have learned that the speed of TV can feel like a carnival ride from hell for those less used to it. But we're used to it, know the ropes, details, and the questions to ask. We also have tons of experience separating the facts from the daily fictions.
So when looking for performance from your TV campaign, please remember that cheap CPM is not equal to "increased performance." And that sometimes to most effective route to increased performance looks a little different when talking TV. Sure, our ad tech can ingest your digital audience data, find your priority audience by target market, and target your TV campaign precisely where those prospects are. And that looks different that cheap "spray and pray" option. But our results with thoughtfully layered, targeted multiscreen TV campaigns--for decades--show you that you really do get what you pay for: Results that matter to you and your clients.
So ponder the questions below--and whatever you do, breathe! Do.Not.Panic. Instead, talk to us. Absolutely no strings attached. We have answers and options and fresh thinking rooted in custom data galore--so we're happy to talk through your circumstances, even if in the end we're not the right solution for you right now (hey, we're not a fit for everyone and we're OK with that).
What are your advertiser's new expectations re: performance?
How has AI/programmatic in your workflow created better ad performance?
How do you adopt new tools (ad tech) and still remain cost-effective?
How do you find time to effectively plan when you have no time available because you’re learning new tools that may/may not work well for your needs?
How do you achieve “more ambitious results” with fewer resources? Define “results” for your role (see Q1).
How can you achieve ambitious revenue goals with fewer staff, when AI/programmatic is NOT delivering performance needed or reporting metrics in ways that are easily comparable, etc. (see Q1)?
How do you grow revenue 20%+ when campaign performance is not driving revenue (see Q6)? Low CPM = either lower starting budget or spray and pray strategy—both of which are not being reflected in campaign performance in terms of revenue increases. So low CPM ≠ performance/increased revenue.
42% of the industry is still relying on manual methods for collecting and analyzing campaign performance data—why??? (Perhaps because of the need to reconcile multiple disparate data sources from various buy platforms vs having a TV partner that not only can buy anywhere you need but also handles all the data wrangling to deliver reports both detailed and clear?)
People assigned to using AI/programmatic tools often not well trained in how to use them all (there can be several in play, with the roster changing up on the reg), resulting in low campaign performance, manual overrides, and so on. Does that sound like a typical day at your workplace?
Do you want to elegantly combine linear and CTV/OTT but are unsure how to do so effectively and within budget? And can you "just.can.not" handle reconciling all the disparate reporting any more (see Q8)?
If you are using up to 5 platforms to buy CTV (leaving linear aside, for now), how do you accurately gauge results from each platform and the value to your brand for each platform, given the vast differences in inventory quality, access, algorithms, and so forth specific to each platform? Are you relying on AI to sort this data and report back accurately?
Are the multiple platforms and various tools (AI and otherwise) requiring you to return to “manual” (aka spreadsheet) methods to analyze campaign performance? Is that effective use of your time? Is this method reliable—not just for you but for reliable and consistent results across your business group?