An Innovator's View from the NAB Floor, Las Vegas 2019

Scott Stansfield on May 1, 2019

We switched hats last week to introduce more people to our technology. It's our effort to transform legacy TV so that it successfully competes in the world of Advanced Targeted Linear TV advertising.

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34% increase in research intent and favorability for an educational organization using a Targeted TV campaign.

Activation Team on February 27, 2019

Targeted TV campaign lifts brand metrics +34% for Connections Academy in 11 states. (for a PDF version of this case study download here)

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Pushing the Envelope of ATV Ad Targeting, Centriply Announces Major Platform Update.

Activation Team on December 7, 2018

There are two adages in life, “Timing is everything.” and “Location, location, location.”  Centriply’s updated martech platform, TangoGEO 2.0 taps into both.

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New API from your marketing dashboard opens a window into TV impressions.

Activation Team on October 24, 2018

TV like digital marketers haven’t seen before. API connections into digital marketing dashboards can provide multiple layers of a TV ad campaigns in one place. 

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HH level audience planning/buying, Targeted TV is ready for the future

Activation Team on October 17, 2018

Targeted TV specialist Centriply, announced a collaborative effort with Experian to help brands maximize their linear TV campaigns. The agreement between the two integrates Experian’s ConsumerViewSM audiences with prospects and TV inventory data, brands can create meaningful interactions with valuable TV audiences at the household, local or national level.

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6 Steps to Growing Your Brand With Targeted TV

Shelley Stansfield on September 26, 2018

Considering using TV? As an introduction to our Targeted TV services, Centriply provides a location analysis package that reviews media potential before any commitment.

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