Our ATV solutions are meticulously planned to target custom audiences, allowing marketers to tailor their campaigns to specific groups based on a variety of factors such as interests, behaviors, and demographics. Our methods create confidence in the TV campaign activities: by supplying location-based reporting to our partners, they get detailed insight into how different geographic areas respond to the campaign, enabling more precise targeting and optimization for ongoing and future campaigns. Additionally, our ATV campaigns are fully placed in premium content, ensuring that creative runs in high-quality programming that aligns with the brand's image and values.
One of the standout features of ATV is its robust capability for campaign outcome measurement, offering detailed insights into the return on investment (ROI) of the campaign. This helps marketers assess the effectiveness of their strategies, and make data-driven decisions for future campaigns. A significant advantage of our ATV solutions are the detailed impression delivery reports we provide, which offer a comprehensive view of how the TV campaign is performing overall. This level of reporting detail surpasses the limitations of traditional DMA-level and national reporting, adding a deeper understanding of audience engagement and overall impact of media efforts.
Enter: Advanced TV ad campaigns.
These are
A. Audience-driven and
B. Location-based campaigns that go
C. Granular in their delivery, measurement, and impression reporting.
3. The same audience data is ingested for Advanced TV as other media channels—no add’l work is needed by you. Using audience data based on attributes like demographics/behavioral/geography—vs relying exclusively on the overly generic demos of the past—means audience-driven TV ad campaigns can be easily focused on the audience you want to reach, with minimal wa$te.
4. Buying and activating the campaign across hundreds of locations is as simple as signing the insertion order. Our team does all the rest.
5. Finishing with granular attribution to that audience, also known as 'campaign outcome measurement'. This can be reliably done for every goal level of the infamous ‘marketing funnel’. At Centriply we do this at the ZIP/Household-level. For a more in-depth look at that, contact us for a customized demo.
There’s plenty of control over where/when your TV ad runs--but that doesn't mean lots of extra work for you. There are multiple variables that are considered relative to ad placement and reaching your desired—or priority—audiences, such as where the best ratings are, across more day parts and many networks. That means you have more options that will work for your budget, along with reliable brand safety in knowing where and when your ad runs. Having the flexibility to look for the best options in more places improves the measurable value delivered, too. Technically it's called non-sequential elimination--but we call it good media value.
If a brand has "been around the block" a few times, audience-driven ATV can extend campaign reach into untapped audiences/areas, managing frequency for breakthrough messaging effectiveness, boosting reach from campaigns running via other channels.
Post campaign, the question to ask is “How’d we do Coach?”
One way to tell is with reporting, measuring results against impressions delivered. Here are some ways to look at business outcomes:
OK, you’ve helped your client understand why Advanced TV is an important media channel, and they’re interested…what next?
Hey, this TV thing really works! Give it a try! Get your commercial ready, approve the audience, budget and time frame. Then contact us--we'll be happy to show you the best ATV options for your campaign and your goals. It's what we do!